
Roch Muraine
junio 03, 2022

Smart transport operators require seamless connectivity between all transport subsystems to provide efficient, 货物和人员的安全流动.

a person sitting at a table

A patchwork of technologies will no longer cut it in the transportation industry. 你不能简单地添加盒子和服务, in an ad-hoc way, 并期望把你的货物和人员送到他们需要去的地方, when they need to be there. A holistic approach that connects transport subsystems with real-time communications is the foundation of smart transportation 也是你们未来的基础.

更快地运送更多的人和货物, at lower cost, and with fewer risks, 是今天的诸多挑战之一吗. 在全球卫生危机之前, 人们更多的是为了商务和娱乐而旅行, 货物运输也在增加. When the pandemic hit, 运输运营商不得不调整他们的运营方式, almost overnight, to take advantage of whatever digital technologies they had available.

如果你想继续做生意的话, contactless payment, virtual kiosks and automated operations quickly became the ‘de facto’ way of doing business. Any technology advantage that could reduce or remove the need for human interaction or intervention was enlisted.

大流行从几周延长到几个月, and into a second year, 提供长期的压力, effective digital solutions that were more than a kludged response to a crisis, has only increased. The pandemic has shone a very bright light on the need for the transportation industry to move to a smarter environment.


At their core, every transportation operator needs to efficiently and smoothly move people and goods through their system, that means they must equally efficiently and smoothly connect the data in their systems. The challenge is while most transportation operators have massive amounts of data from routes, asset management, communications, security, video streams, passengers and business apps, 它被隔离在不同的子系统中.

当子系统没有相互连接时, 没有办法跨部门共享信息, 或者组织内的实时角色. And perhaps more importantly, there’s a missed opportunity to use all that data to keep goods and passengers moving and safe.

想想接下来会发生什么, for example, 如果机电门打不开. The maintenance staff need to be notified about the situation so investigations and repairs can begin as quickly as possible. Planning for alternate routes, asset deployment, and passenger management is required. Travellers need to be notified of delays, reroutes or cancellations. And employees on the frontline need access to all the latest information to address passenger inquiries. 没有相互连接的子系统会产生延迟, uncertainty, and insecurity and can have a tremendous negative impact on the situation.

However, subsystems that are connected can execute pre-determined protocols ensuring repairs happen without delay and passengers are informed about what is happening at every stage. In addition, other opportunities exist to use data to move toward a smarter transport environment, including:

•优化路线规划和资产管理; Sharing real-time data between subsystems keeps transport operations running smoothly and on schedule and minimises waste. Combining and analysing data from Wi-Fi and ticketing subsystems can highlight trends that identify shifting demand levels enabling operators to optimise fuel, energy, or human resources. Infrastructure investments can also be aligned with expected traffic flows to optimise budgets.

•改善乘客和客户体验: 可以访问多个系统的实时信息, operators can provide real-time updates about the movements of vehicles and goods, 警告即将来临的天气状况, and help efficiently plan the end-to-end journey for people and good.

• Monetising data: An overall statistical view of operations can reveal new opportunities to increase revenue. For example, traffic pattern data can provide insights to create discounts for passengers and customers on nearby products and services based on where they’re expected to be.


A single connected foundation that links all subsystems is required for smarter transportation. While wireless connectivity is the most efficient, cost-effective, 以一种环保的方式连接它们, it’s important to choose the connectivity option that makes the most sense for each location, system and application. As well, 现有有线连接基础设施, 如光纤和以太网必须考虑. Leveraging existing infrastructure simplifies deployment and ensures you get your maximum return on previous investments. 别忘了管理 a unified management system, across wired and wireless environments provides seamless visibility into all systems and subsystems.

With a connected foundation in place you need to consider the technologies you’ll need to enable smart operations, such as:

•虚拟化和自动化 to simplify infrastructure, reduce the need for hardware, and minimise maintenance requirements

Cloud technologies 实现更智能的自动化并提高可持续性

•人工智能和机器学习 实现有见地的知情决策

• Convergence technologies that bring operational and IT systems and subsystems together to simplify infrastructure and minimise environmental impact

• Data anonymisation 确保数据隐私得到保障

Toward smarter transport

Knowledge is power and the more connected the transport subsystems the smarter and more powerful the operations. Real-time information flows that occur when all systems are interconnected can provide early warnings about issues, delays, 和危险,这可以为每个人提供更好的结果. And the safety and security of passengers and goods can be better protected.

Download our white paper, Smarter, greener, more secure transportation through digital transformation, to learn how Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise is helping operators move toward smarter transport.

Roch Muraine

Roch Muraine


Roch Muraine领导ALE全球运输业务实践, responsible for the rail, road, air and sea sales. 他在IT领域拥有超过20年的全球经验, 网络和电信营销, and extensive involvement in field as well as operational activities make him ideal for this role. 

Roch holds an engineering degree in Computer Science from ESI Paris, and a postgraduate Masters in Telecommunication from Institut Mines-Télécom. 


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